website by EUROCOMP
Imprint · Contact

Imprint ·  Contact

Updated: 09/10/08

Website Editor:
    Thomas A. Osthege
    Siegstraße 24
    D-51570 Windeck-Rosbach
    Fon: +49.2292.9599730
    Fax: +49.2292.9599733
    Email: Please use the contact page!
    VAT ID: DE 135051894

This website exists for historical reasons only. I don't run a business any more

Editing and design:
    Thomas A. Osthege

We used
    Microsoft Expression Web
for development.

To display these pages we recommend to use a
If you don't use a browser to view these pages you are reading plain HTML code right now. And in this case we think, you must be a very cool guy.

EUROCOMP does not take any responsibility for the content or the editorial correctness of this website.

Copyright © · All rights reserved · EUROCOMP · Thomas A. Osthege

Use of text or part of this website is not allowed. Please ask the editor for permission.

You may set links to this website if accompanied by a reference to the source.

The use of this website is subject to German right exclusively. EUROCOMP keeps the right to apply changes to the website at any time without announcement. This includes the deleting and moving of pages and content.

All trademarks mentioned on this website are property of the corresponding owners of rights. Mentioning does not mean any use or demands on the mark.

None of the products of EUROCOMP is affiliated or owned by any of the mentioned companies.

Important notice:
This web site contains links to other web sites. For all these links without exception we declare:

We expressively emphasize that we do not have any influence on the design and content of the linked pages. For this reason we disassociate ourselves from the content of all directly or indirectly from this web site available (linked) pages. The same is effective for advertisements and banners that may be displayed on this site.

Privacy notice:
We store personal data only if they are given to us to execute an order. These data will never be made available to any third party. This is especially effective for our customers' and prospective buyers' email addresses.

Some of our programs may use an automated update function that may transfer program and operating system related data. Never any personal data is transmitted.

In cases of unauthorized use of our software we reserve the right to investigate the unauthorized user and initiate adjacent legal actions.