website by EUROCOMP
Products and Services

Products and Services

Thank you for your interest in our products!

ECText für Word

ECText für Word and ECTextPLUS für Word

Teachers in the primary school use these products together with Microsoft Word to produce professional and fantastic looking worksheets. They include hand writing fonts as well as hundreds of pictures and symbols especially made and suitable for children.

This link points to a German page.

myPostUp is exactly what you you need if you have a website and want to attract your visitors' attention to something special (e.g. an opt-in for a newsletter, a special offer etc.). These PostUps increase your visitors' CTR (click thru rate) by up to 400%! And they are free!


ECSync! is the professional program that saves and synchronizes your data and files on any computer with Windows.

ECSync! makes it easy to keep directories and files on two or more computers up to date. ECSync! is completely free. No strings attached. Period.


If need some consulting about information technology, please contact me via the contact page!